1.Introduction to Azure
Introduction to Cloud Computing, benefits and key cloud terminology
These are my personal notes taken from the course Azure DevOps from aCloudGuru, all the credit goes to them
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Objective : Oversimplification of concepts & Establish the fundamentals of Cloud Computing
- Initial Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Benefits of Cloud Computing
- Key Cloud Terminology
- Fault Tolerance
- High Availability
- Scalability
- Elasticity
What is the cloud ?
Super Simplified definition : think of cloud computing as using computing resources somewhere else, other than what you own or what you have immediately available with you.
Simplified definition : cloud computing is using compute resources hosted in remote data centers for a variety of different applications -- from virtual machines (i.e. somebody else's computer) to a variety of managed services (i.e. remote databases, networking capabilities, advanced analytics, machine learning, etc.)
Why do we care ?
Common Personal (and Enterprise) Uses of Cloud Services
Fault Tolerant : If your phone / laptop crashes, the data on the cloud are still retrievable on another laptop
High Availability : Available on multiple devices
Common Enterprise Uses of Cloud Services
ACME company with user base of 2000 users on 2 servers ACME forecast in one year a user base of 5000 users, so need 4 servers ACME forecasts in 2 years a user base of 50000 users, so 10 servers to buy
On-Premise :
Cloud model:
Scalability : Process to automatically increasing the computing capacity without any inputs from you
Elasticity : Process to automatically shrink the computing capacity without any inputs from you